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domingo, 7 de octubre de 2007

Richard Ellis - Textbook of musculoskeletal medicine1ª ed.


Readers with limited knowledge of the history of the development of the diverse schools of manual medicine, the core components of which are manual diagnosis and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders, may be somewhat confused by the plethora of terminology used to describe the medical discipline embraced by these schools and the conceptual variants themselves. This diversity is the beauty and perhaps the frustration of musculoskeletal medicine. It epitomizes its eclecticism.

The distinctiveness of musculoskeletal medicine is undoubted and perhaps unparalleled in the medical sciences. At its heart is the recognition and management of dysfunctional states of the neuromusculoskeletal system, now formally defined as somatic dysfunction. The characteristics of somatic dysfunction are further described in Chapter 2.2.1. I confine myself here to the development of musculoskeletal medicine in the broadest sense. I wish to address the characteristics of orthopaedic medicine, osteopathic medicine, manual medicine, and musculoskeletal medicine. By this means it will become apparent that there are a number of important conceptual models common to and underpinning these disciplines: structural (pathomorphological), pathophysiological (‘functional’), biomechanical, and biopsychosocial.

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